"I Am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "Who is, Who was, and Who is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1:8 NIV Bible
When I looked up the meaning of Rainy Day Friendship, it said that it referred to a friendship that is especially strong and reliable during difficult times. It refers to a true friend who is always there when you need them.
Well, that's what the Lord God is in my life. No matter how bad things get, how many millions of times I get distracted by the world, the Lord God is always there welcoming me back into the fold.
But am I a Rainy Day Christian? Am I there doing the Lord God's will, by sharing my faith in Him with others? Am I tolerant and patient with those who have different points of view on: faith, politics, and social issues?
Am I focused on the Lord God in both the good times and the bad, or do I just turn to Him, when I need something or I'm scared and worried?
I wish I could look in a mirror and always be able to say that I am a Rainy Day Christian, focusing on the Lord God and His ideals, regardless of what is going on in my life, but if I'm truly honest, I can't say that's always or even mostly the case. Fortunately for me, the Lord God loves me despite my sinful, self-absorbed nature, and He moves me to try to be a Rainy Day Christian, there for Him at all times.